实现说精彩英语和lELTS考试保6 分争8分,出国畅通无阻,考试轻松高分。
实现说精彩英语和lELTS考试保6 分争8分,出国畅通无阻,考试轻松高分。
安徽蓝宇教育开发有限责任公司是集教育研发与咨询、文化交流与策划、技术引进、会务与翻译服务为一体的综合型教育机构;是中央电视台”希望之星”英语风采大赛安徽赛区唯一承办单位,中国国际广播电台合肥外语台主办单位,安徽移动“全球通卓越外语学校”项目唯一合作单位, 已在合肥、芜湖、马鞍山、铜陵、巢湖、六安、淮南、安庆、滁州、蚌埠、阜阳等十一个城市建立并成功运营分校。
Bluniverse Foreign Language School, which belongs to Anhui Bluniverse Education & Development Co.,Ltd. More than 70 professional Chinese teachers, working with 15 native speaking teachers from various countries, such as UK,US,Canada , Australia and so on, have helped more than 100 thousand students meet their English goals. Our programs encompass THINK in English,which is researched by our company, Young Learners English, Business English, Oral English and VIP training. Bluniverse serves the needs of the business community as well. Our clients include The Haier Group, China Railway Bureau IV, ABB, Steinbeis, China Airline, Heifei Huatai Group Co.,Ltd, China Merchants Bank, Webex, Kurz Stamping Technology plus several law firms and other professional concerns. These companies recognize the global importance of English and turn to Bluniverse to make it.
Based on the Advanced International English teaching model, we have developed the Active Six-Dimensional Teaching System. Using our professionally developed material and methods, we focus on training students to THINK IN ENGLISH. Our small class size ensures greater interaction with the instructors, giving our students the confidence needed to use their new skills.
Our gentle school environment can make students more easy and comfortale. The modern, well-equipped facilities can make teaching more active and effective. Perfect teaching management can give our students and their parents more valuable experience. High quality of teaching guarantee can make students master the knowledge which they’ve learned.
Bluniverse Foreign Language School has the complete support of the Anhui Provincial Education Bureau and is recognized as the best English training institute, excellent education institution and Integrity Training Institute in the province. We also have been awarded as “The most Trustworthy Training Institute”, “Integrity Training institute” by Anhui Daily Press Group, and one of the “Ten Important Promotion Brands” in education field of Anhui.
Anhui Bluniverse Education & Development Co.,Ltd.is an intergrated training institute. Our business includes Teaching & Researching, Culture Communication and planing, Indraught of the technics, Conference Translation Affairs. We are the only cooperant institution of holding the CCTV “Star of Outlook” English Talent Competition in Anhui Province, Hefei Foreign Language Radio cooperates with China Radio International and GoTone Foreign Laguage School, in cooperation with China Mobile.
Our modern, well-equipped facilities are located in 11 cities, such as Hefei, Wuhu, Ma'anshan, Tongling, Chaohu, Lu'an, Huainan, Anqing, Chuzhou, Bengbu and Fuyang. And we keep pace with the changing educational environment to help the next generation of learners.
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